Copy of formal Superior Court of California County of San
File & ServeXpress is dedicated to providing you with the tools and resources that you need to use our products efficiently and effectively. Our team of seasoned training professionals not only know our products, but are experienced at working with law firms to help them get the most out of their functionality. This understanding coupled with experience is used in the development of our extensive range of resources. On this page, you will find succinct video tutorials, user guides, frequently asked questions, rules and procedures and on-demand webinars. In addition to our training resources, you may also contact client support 24/7/365 to answer questions and request assistance or contact our training team to request live training.
If you have any additional questions or need additional support, you can contact File & ServeXpress Client Support at 1.888.529.7587, or email them at support@fileandserve.com. You can also email the File & ServeXpress training team at fileandservetraining@fileandserve.com.
Copy of formal Superior Court of California County of San
Copy of formal Superior Court of California County of San
Lawyers, paralegals, court staff, and anyone who has been involved